About Us

Potty Tots Potty Training Program
Toddlers LOVE the Potty Tots Potty Training Program! Boys potty training and girls potty training are equipped with the easy-to-follow potty chart to help them on their way. By identifying with a diverse group of little friends, the Potty Tots, they know they are not alone. They have fun singing the Potty Song and remembering the 6 steps to potty training. Potty Tots help boys train and girls train so they can say goodbye to diapers and peeing accidents.
Parents also LOVE the Potty Tots Potty Training Program! That’s because everything is included in the potty training kit for stress-free potty training. So, you can pitch those Pampers, unhitch those Huggies and ditch the diapers! Make nighttime accidents and bed wetting a thing of the past.
Potty Tots Was An Idea Born of Necessity.
My name is Jill Leech and I am, first and foremost, a mother of three children, Ricky, Emily and Shannon. I earned my Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology and a teaching credential in Social Sciences. Even with all of this experience with children, I found myself at a loss for potty training my youngest child.
I know that ALL children can benefit from various learning styles, structure, and positive reinforcement. So I set out to find a potty training program that would not only show my daughter how to go potty, but would also engage her in the potty training process and encourage her to be independent and “Do” for herself.
As a teacher, my favorite motto for my students is :
“When I hear, I forget. When I see, I remember. When I DO, I understand”

I believe all children can benefit from this philosophy of learning. From my experience, it is also SO important to make learning FUN! Children who are involved in their own learning and having fun are much more likely to be motivated, and successful.
When I was having trouble finding a program like this, I decided to make my daughter an illustrated potty chart of her very own. She loved it! She was motivated to follow the steps because she could see what was expected of her.
She loved that the little girl on the chart looked just like her! She felt independent and had a sense of pride when she accomplished these tasks.
Independence and pride are the keys to building a healthy self-esteem. I could tell she was well on her way when she proclaimed, “I can do it, all by myself!” This common little phrase among toddlers would become our motto for Potty Tots. I shared these charts and schedule cards with the instructor of my parenting class, who in turn, shared them with other parents in her program.

That was the “Aha!” moment for me.
I realized this type of product was missing from the market today. With encouragement and creative input from my sister, Jenny Le Blanc, also an educator and mother of three, we added all of the ingredients that make a great learning experience for children. With the help of an amazingly talented illustrator Jennifer Carlson Ware, an awesome animator, Linda Spain and the musical mastery of Greg Wilson, the Potty Tots came to life!
- We started with a story that the kids could relate to, with adorable multi-ethnic characters.
- Next, we animated the story on a DVD so that young children could follow along with the story.
- We mixed in a little Rock music and the Potty Song to help the kids sing and dance their way to remembering the steps to potty training.
- We added a variety of illustrated potty charts, where the kids could choose their own Potty Tot or pal to help them with potty training.
- And of course, a pinch of potty humor!
Any successful program must also have a way for the kids to keep track of their progress and positive reinforcement (praise and rewards). Fashioned after the Super Bowl, we created a “Toilet Bowl” football inspired progress chart/game with clings of the Potty Tots. With the idea that potty training could and should be FUN, the Potty Tots Potty Training Program was born! (Try saying that three times fast!)